Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hope and a High Risk Pregnancy

A young mother with a high-risk pregnancy combines hope with positive action to successfully deliver her pre-term son.

Baby Jack arrived, safe and sound. While his mother shivered uncontrollably from the effects of the anesthesia, Daddy and doctor hustled the newborn to the awaiting cubicle where he passed his first test with flying colors. But within minutes, the sigh of relief felt throughout the delivery room was interrupted as Jacks prematurity manifested itself. Without explanation to mother, father, or grandmother, Jack was whisked away. With father in tow and Nani close behind, Baby Jack sped to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Preterm birth, the latest research shows, is the leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. According to CDC researchers, birth before 37 weeks of gestation accounted for at least one-third of all babies' deaths in 2002. Most of these, two-thirds, occurred within the first twenty-four hours. The technology and expertise of the special personnel in the NICU would give Baby Jack, born at 35 weeks, every opportunity to survive and beat the odds. If, along with nutrients, Baby Jack had acquired the indomitable spirit of his mother, his chances of survival looked good.

After two uneventful, textbook pregnancies, Kellys third pregnancy with her first son ran into problems at fourteen weeks. Continual bleeding, at times heavy, was diagnosed as placenta abruption. The large blood clot behind the placenta was reabsorbed partially over time, but ultrasounds also showed placenta previa, a low lying placenta that covered part of the cervix. These two major complications posed a threat to both the baby and Kelly.

Hope, though, burned brightly throughout Kellys ordeal. It enabled her to meticulously follow her doctors orders. She ate nutritiously and didnt smoke or use alcohol. She visited her obstetrician regularly. Between hospitalizations that meant twice weekly visits to the office or the hospital. Non-stress tests and ultrasounds for the baby became routine.

Most difficult of all for Kelly was the imposed bed rest. Caring for two active daughters, ages three and five, meant enlisting additional help from the already overburdened dad-to-be as well as friends, neighbors, and family. Meals were pre-cooked, babysitters volunteered their time, and Nani resurrected her chauffeuring talents.

Kellys faith bolstered her. She prayed, she remained inactive, and she waited. All with the goal of prolonging gestation and increasing the babys weight. The amazement in the doctors eyes when Kelly continued to appear week after week for her appointments was subtle, but nonetheless evident to both Kelly and her mother.

During Kellys last hospital stay, with her high risk pregnancy doctor on vacation, Kelly faced her greatest challenge. The inexact science of medicine reared its ugly head. Two days after being dismissed from high risk care, Kelly once again suffered an emergency. The four doctors in her chosen medical practice couldnt agree on what to do. Two wanted to wait and see, to give the baby more time in its natural environment. The other two wanted to go ahead with a planned delivery and thus avoid an emergency C-section. The hospitalist stepped in with another opinion. Each day the plan, or lack of one, changed.

Frustrated by the conflicting opinions and her worsening condition, Kelly and her husband decided to move from the community hospital to a major medical center in Boston. The evening the decision was made, nurses helped Kelly and her husband think through their options. Their expertise and caring gave Kelly the strength to listen to her inner voice. She urgently felt the need to bring Baby Jack into the world.

Kellys faith carried her through. The following day, in a planned C-section, the beautiful baby shed his yellow and cracking placenta and the grey umbilical cord that crumbled in the nurses hand. He wailed his first cry. Statistics show that only 7% of the deaths attributable to preterm birth occur after the first four weeks. Baby Jack made it through the first two weeks in the hospital, learning how to continue breathing on his own through the night and through his feedings and learning how to regulate his temperature. Now nine weeks old, Baby Jack has an emerging smile, and Kelly and her family maintain hope that the smile means all systems are go for Baby Jack.


Sally A. Connolly. All rights reserved 2006.

Sally A. Connolly, a retired school counselor and teacher,is editor of A BOY FROM LAWRENCE: The Collected Writings of Eugene F. Connolly (2006). Midwest Book Review says this verbal scrapbook of a teachers spiritual journey is filled with such treasures. It is recommended for those in need of comfort, illumination, redirection, grace, or prayer. For more information, go to Blog35103
Sharia Blog21779

A Tutor in NYC can help students to outshine expectations

Tutor NYC are the professionals who help the children to excel in their academic education. If a student is not doing well in his studies then a tutor can be hired for him. The tutor will polish the child by making him more active and smart and also increasing his interest in his studies. A tutor is one such person who helps the child at each and every step in his educational life. It may not always happen that a child has all the good qualities and can always excel in his exams. Well, it is the hard work and his dedication in study that makes him extra ordinary. Infact, every child is not born intelligent and talented but he can be outshined by the help of a tutor who helps the child to do his best during exams.

Every other child cannot become the most talented student among all other students but it is his hard work and good effort that makes him outshine among all other children. Parents are feared about the future of our children and also about their lack of literacy knowledge and numeracy skills and many other. With all these fears in mind, many people have hired the tutors to help their children to over come each and every situation. Home tutors are very valuable, working behind the workforce and concentrating on these educationally challenged individuals and thus helping them to develop basic skills to enable them to be more efficient learning.

Many parents who are working are not able to take out time to watch their child. The children are sometimes found to be indulging in activities not suited to them and thus are found to have a lack of interest in their education. If these activities are not stopped then it becomes quite difficult for the parents to handle their child. Then, there remains no interest in education and later it becomes difficult to handle them. For such children, home tutors are becoming more widely used and hired to take care of the child. The tutors not only provide concentrated learning but also a set time to focus on educational activities of the children. Tutors NYC are really very important for the children as they make them aware of education along with other activities.

Now, the working parents who have very little time to devote to their children can hand over the supervision of their child in the hands of a tutor. The parents can outsource the service of a tutor to look after their child and thus can rely on the tutor that he will take a good care of his child. The parents are relieved that their child would become more studios and thus will become more keen towards education. If someone residing in New York City, then he can come across many qualified professional tutors who take a good care of the children. The tutors also make the children prepare for examinations like SAT or PSAT.If the student is able to excel in these exams then he can get a admission in reputed colleges and universities. Tutors good effort helps the students in making a good career. Thus, tutors play an important role in the career making of a child.

Hugh Goldsmith is of the view that students must not dread the SAT exams or for that matter any other exams. He helps out students who want advice on any aspects related to exams. For more information on SAT Tutor NYC,tutor NYC and SAT tutor New York visit Blog77547
Sharron Blog36247

Virginia Police Chiefs Target Virginia Schools Youth for Leadership Training

After the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado in 1999, the Virginia police departments across the commonwealth quickly introduced tactical training for police and school resource officers (SROs). They were taught several methods for handling Virginia schools students with weapons.

Members of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police wanted to do more than just react to situations in the Virginia schools. They wanted to take preventative measures. So, in 2002, the Commonwealth Youth Conference for Leadership Effectiveness (CYCLE) was created.

CYCLE is a one-week, leadership training program for Virginia schools students who are entering high school. Held once every summer at Virginia Techs campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, it has become one of the most successful and meaningful programs for Virginia schools youth, focusing on the basics of leadership.

Virginia schools students are given the opportunity to:

Gain an understanding of their own leadership potential,
Identify positive leadership characteristics,
Gain a better understanding of themselves,
Learn how to better relate to others,
Learn to use effective communication to foster positive interactions,
Gain problem analysis skills to assist in decision making,
Understand the value of teamwork,
Understand their own role within their communities, and
Learn and embrace values of diversity.

The hopeful result of the program is to provide Virginia schools students with skills to help them become valuable and contributing members of society, as well as to make Virginia communities safer places to live. If Virginia schools children are given leadership skills and positive reinforcement, then situations such as Columbine may be forestalled.

To attend CYCLE, Virginia schools students must go through a lengthy application process. The selection process begins in the fall of each year with interested Virginia schools students applying to their schools SRO. Accepted applicants and their parents receive notification from their SROs in early May of the following year. The selection process ensures that all areas throughout the commonwealth are properly represented each year at CYCLE.

The program looks for the rising 10th grade students those with recognized leadership potential, who have not yet found their place in the world. Virginia schools students must be:

Recommended by their schools SRO,
A rising student, entering the 10th grade at application,
Between the ages of 13 and 15 years,
Have no major infractions on their discipline records,
Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0,
Complete an essay on an assigned topic, and
Provide a letter of support for their desire to attend CYCLE, which may be written by anyone chosen by the student.

CYCLE is sponsored and chaired by the Virginia Police Chiefs Foundation, the charitable and educational arm of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. They work with corporations, civic groups, police agencies, and citizens to raise the needed funds to support CYCLE. The current cost of $600 per Virginia schools student is occasionally underwritten totally by a police departments training budget for the youth in its jurisdiction. This covers tuition, lodging, meals and learning materials. The local police departments in which students reside always supply the transportation. CYCLE is always provided entirely at no cost to the students.

Thanks to the Police Chiefs of Virginia and the work of police departments across the commonwealth, Virginia schools students are given the opportunity to participate in an exceptionally unique program that may affect the rest of their lives, as well as many others.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Serena Blog87548
Shir Blog34515

Clickbank and AdWords : A Guide for New Users

You've just signed up with Clickbank, you've just created an AdWords account, you're eager to start earning some money but you've no experience of Clickbank and even less of AdWords. Where do you begin?

Let's start with some important pieces of information that do not seem to be obvious to many people in this situation.

1. AdWords was not created for the sole benefit of people wanting to make money through Clickbank.

2. AdWords is completely and utterly separate from Clickbank

3. There are many other advertisers (i.e. non-clickbank users) using AdWords

4. There are many Clickbank advertisers and those from other affiliate programs

5. AdWords will only allow one advertiser per destination URL to be displayed at any one time

6. AdWords is currently actively trying to reduce the number of affiliate advertisers being displayed on any single results page

Introduction to Clickbank

From the perspective of this article, is, essentially, a directory of affiliate programs . . . a list of products & services that you can sell on behalf of someone else in order to earn commission. When someone clicks on a Clickbank hyperlink, known as a "hoplink," a cookie is placed on that user's computer that tells Clickbank whose link (or ad) the user clicked on in order to get to that product's Clickbank page. If that user then makes a purchase, the affiliate whose Clickbank ID is stored in the relevant cookie gets his/her Clickbank account credited with a certain amount of commission. The amount of commission depends on the particular affiliate program in question.

What is a Hoplink?

A hoplink is simply a particular URL in a regular hyperlink that indicates 2 important things:

1. The Clickbank ID of the affiliate (i.e. the person trying to earn money by promoting the product)

2. Another Clickbank code for the product being promoted

For example, if my clickbank ID was "abc" and the code for the product I was promoting was "zyx," the hoplink URL would look something like:

This tells Clickbank that any commission resulting from this action needs to be placed in user abc's account and that the product being advertised is product code zyx. Furthermore, the product code also tells Clickbank which page to direct the user's web browser too. For example, a hoplink promoting SEO Elite software takes the user's web browser to This is the page that is, in a sense, trying to sell/promote the product to the user.

Where AdWords Fits In

Many people that are new to Clickbank do not seem to realize that AdWords is in no way directly related to Clickbank and that the stats they provide are completely unconnected. AdWords is merely one way of getting people to click on your hoplink in the hope the person clicking will go on to buy whatever product is being advertised. AdWords can tell you how many times your ads have been shown and how many times they have been clicked on but, at the moment, it cannot tell you how many Clickbank sales you have made or how much you have earned from those sales. [Note: AdWords can provide that information for people that can add tracking code into their own web pages.] In order to find out your sales figures you need to log in to Clickbank, NOT AdWords.

Introduction to AdWords

AdWords has two available "editions:" Starter Edition and Standard Edition. Anyone serious about advertising with AdWords should immediately register for the Standard Edition.

A detailed overview of how AdWords works is beyond the scope of this article so I will just quickly run through the process of creating ads in a very brief manner.

AdWords has a hierarchical structure as follows. An AdWords account is comprised of one or more campaigns. A campaign is comprised of one or more ad groups. An ad group contains one or more ads and one set of keywords. For more information on this structure, visit the AdWords Learning Center topic, which has both a text lesson and a multimedia lesson.

If you are advertising multiple Clickbank products, each product should have its own ad group that contains a set of keywords specific to that product. In addition, every ad group should contain at least 2 ads for the product so that you can test which ad performs best. This process is known as split-testing. It is also important that you concentrate on writing effective ads, which is an art in and of itself.

Specific Tips for Clickbank Users

As mentioned earlier, AdWords does not seem to be very keen on affiliate advertisers at the moment and, as a result, if your ad contains your hoplink as the "destination URL" (that is, the URL the person clicking on the ad will be taken to), you may well find that you have a $5 or more minimum bid requirement for your keywords to be "active for search." There are two main ways round this.

First, if you have any free (or paid for!) web space and you are familiar with any web technology such as ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, etc., you can create an intermediate page between your AdWords ad that then redirects the user to your Clickbank hoplink. In that way, the ad's destination URL will then be to your own page and NOT your direct hoplink.

To illustrate:

My Ad ---> myWebPage ---> (automatically hoplinks to) --> Clickbank product page

Second (and preferred solution), if you are promoting a range of related products, you can create your own web site based around the theme of those products and that contains hoplinks to the products that you are promoting. Using this method, you simply use your ads as a means of getting traffic to your site. In essence, this is the approach to affiliate marketing that Rosalind Gardner, author of "The Super Affiliate Handbook" has taken (though I don't know if she uses AdWords at all). An additional benefit of this approach is that you don't even need to use AdWords at all, you can simply use other search engine optimization and web site promotion methods to get visitors to your site. Of course, you can also use AdWords to complement your other marketing efforts.

Ian Feavearyear, J.D. has over 20 years' experience in I.T., having worked as an I.T. consultant both in California and the United Kingdom. He currently manages several AdWords advertising campaigns and is also the webmaster of, a site devoted to "making money from Google AdWords and AdSense." Ian is also the editor of the ezine newsletter, "The AdWords Prophet." As well as holding a B.A. from the U.K., Ian also graduated from Concord Law School, Los Angeles, in July 2005, where he was class valedictorian.Shaylyn Blog69121
Shana Blog50980

Car Accessories: Necessity of Both the New and Used Cars

One of the easiest ways of making your car look swanky is to add some accessories to it. The market is fraught with cool and cute kits that can increase the glamour of an auto to a greater degree. Manufactured in nice designs and available in fluorescent colours, these car accessories are sold at reasonable price. Whether a flashy new car or a used one is to be decorated, there are accessories that will match with its design and jell with its colour.

Yet, not all car accessories are meant for beautifying a set of wheels. Some car accessories are for the purpose of security. Some others are there for sheer necessity. Without both these type of add-ons, a car will remain far from being a pleasure to drive. Without adequate security kits, you may have to be in tension while driving the car. Sans the exigent ones, you will fail to feel at home.

One accessory that is exigent for the car but not contribute that much in accentuating it is floor mats. Without car mats the floor of the car is most likely to be damaged. There lies the danger of liquid falling on the floor and cause rusting. This ultimately results in the damage of the floor. Putting some good quality mats on the floor of the car is the best way to overcome this threat.

If you feel that your car need some add-ons but you do not have time to go to the market and buy the necessary accessories, you can log on to the internet. A plethora of options will be there for you on car accessories. A number of online shops deal in auto kits. Simply browsing through the sites of a few of them, you can gather enough knowledge as to which accessory to buy and how to buy them at the best price.

Alexus Devon is an automobile writer specializing in automobile and car accessories (such as car accessories) products and has written authoritative articles on the car accessories industry. He has done his Master in Business Administration and is currently assisting as a car accessories specialist.Sheba Blog23511
Sharia Blog21779

This Summer is Full of Honors and Functions in the San Antonio School District

San Antonio School Districts Harris Middle School selected national Middle School of the Year

Harris Middle School is being recognized for its students efforts to improve their communitys quality of life. This summer Harris Middle School has received the National Youth Crime Watch of America Casey Award presented during the international conference in Ogden, Utah. This award is given to those individuals or organizations that offer examples of leadership, allocation of resources, and support in student or youth crime prevention programs and plans. Harris Middle School, part of the San Antonio Schools, was the only middle school in the US to receive this honor. Harris Middle School was chosen for its students tremendous efforts in improvement of its campus and community. This was accomplished by programs that focused on conflict resolution, theft prevention, street clean-ups, and smoking and drug awareness programs. This has resulted in the Harris Middle School being one of the safest, friendliest, and positive school environments in the state. Students are active participants in the Peer Assistance Leadership group and the Peer Mediators, these groups teach understanding and conflict resolution strategies. Harris Middle School was also a past recipient of the San Antonio Bar Foundations Peacemaker Award, which chooses safe schools throughout the San Antonio School District.

Brackenridge High School Recognized in National Award

Brackenridge High School received honorable mention as one of nine finalists nationwide for the College Boards Inspiration Award, which recognizes the countrys most improved high schools. A College Board representative facilitated a panel discussion with school administrators, staff, students, and parents. The representative was especially interested in hearing from students. Approximately 20 students were part of the discussion. The representative visited classrooms following the panel forum. The information that was collected at Brackenridge was taken to judges in New York, where they reviewed all nine finalists. The Award recognizes high schools that maintain AP or International Baccalaureate programs despite the difficulties at the school.

Special Functions in the San Antonio Schools this Summer

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) will hold a Summer Academy CSI from 8 a.m. to noon at eight high schools in the San Antonio School District. This program will focus on the application and value of science in forensic investigation. Students will be able to participate in solving mock crimes. The students will uses skills they learn in the program. Using their powers of observation, analytical skills and advanced scientific technology to uncover the most minuscule evidence, students will attempt to solve the crimes. Based on the popular CSI television programs, this adventure for 6th-graders combines science, math and language arts, resulting in a learning experience as fun as it is enlightening. Summer Academy CSI is part of, designed to help the class of 2012 be prepared for success in college and beyond.

The Christopher Columbus and the Americas program will be offered at two San Antonio School District middle schools from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students will discover all aspects of what the New World was like at the time the famed explorer first landed on its shores, including its culture, history, geography, and myths. By integrating social studies and language arts, the course also examines the impact of the resulting Colombian Exchange through which Native Americans and Europeans introduced to each other a variety of different animals, concepts, crops, foods, and materials.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shauna Blog96390
Shawn Blog52058

An Insight Into Online Bachelor Degree Programs

If you are an undergraduate and working, you can improve your career and living by pursuing an online bachelor degree course. It may not be possible for you to go for study for a college degree, but you can do an online one without disturbing your present schedule of work and staying where you are now. What you need is a computer and an internet connection at your home. Wherever you are in any corner of the United States you can pursue an online bachelor degree course.

An online bachelor degree is also affordable. Studying in a college online for a degree may cost you in average $12,000 a year, but an online program will cost much less. Costs vary between colleges. Before you opt for any course and college, it is very important that you must do a little research about the cost and the programs. Also, by choosing an online program from an institution in your home state, you can save a great deal of money. For example, an online degree from Florida Gulf Coast University has tuition costs of only $12,410 if you are a Florida resident and for non-residents, the fee more than triples to $45,902. Some employers also provide tuition assistance to their employees. So before choosing an education online program, check with your employer and find out if they provide tuition assistance. If the degree you select is work-related, chances are good that your employer will provide at least part of the costs.

Some affordable bachelor degree online programs are Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from East Carolina University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from Fort Hays State University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from the University of Wyoming, Bachelor of Science in Communications by University of Phoenix, Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management - Liberal Studies by Ashford University, B.S. in Communication by Kaplan University, BA-English/Professional Writing by Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Arts in Communication by Regent University and BS in Communication by Drexel University.

Besides, there are hundreds of colleges and universities providing bachelor degree online in Accounting, Applied Management, Business Administration, Business Communications, Business Information Systems, Business Leadership, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics, Finance, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Human Resources, International Business, Management, Marketing, Organizational Management, Project Management, Real Estate and Small Business Management.

If you are interested in computer education, there are colleges and universities offering bachelor degree online in Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Security, Databases, Graphics and Multimedia, Information Systems, Information Technology, Internet Networks, Programming, Software Engineering, Technology Management, Telecommunications, Web Design and Web Development. Walden University, University of Phoenix, Saint Leo University, National American University, DeVry University, Ashford University, Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology Colorado Technical University Online, Columbia Southern University, Capella University , American InterContinental, University Online University of Maryland University College / UMUC Online, Strayer University, Regis University, Drexel University and Western Governors University are providing these bachelor degree courses.

Before you go for any of the course in any of the online universities, check the credibility and validity of the program. There are frauds moving around so beware of them.

Manu Geol is a senior editor at You can read more articles from him on the KeyDegree website. Find the "Key" to earning your Degree now, and unlock you future!Sharna Blog60805
Sukey Blog86737

Gangster Movies: America's Love Affair With the Bad Guy

No matter how much we like to see the good guy triumph in the end and those who have committed crimes be punished for them, we can never quite shake off that sneaking enjoyment that comes from bad guys doing what they do and being good at it! Gangster movies have been a part of American cinema from the beginning and by taking a quick look at the genre, we definitely can see why.

The two movies that are considered the grandfathers of this film genre are Little Caeser, starring Edward G. Robinson and Public Enemy, starring James Cagney. In both of these films, the gangsters get their comeuppance, but often, that's not what the audience remembers. In Little Caeser, you remember the scenes of Robinson's character Rico living it up in the lap of luxury and in Public Enemy, you fondly remember Tom Powers, played by Cagney doing a delighted little two step on a public street when a girl smiles at him.

Gangsters in Hollywood come in a variety of different flavors and Al Pacino has played two extremely different archetypes. In the Godfather movies, he is the elegant and doomed Michael Corleone, the war hero who got dragged reluctantly into the family business, while in Scarface, he plays the crazed killer Tony Montana, a Cuban who rose from immigrant to drug kingpin. Both of these characters were (in very different ways) extremely charismatic and its easy to see how we're drawn to them.

There are also quite a few movies that pay homage to the classic gangster movies, or satirize them, depending on your point of view. The prime time show, The Sopranos, features a modern day organized crime association where the members are quietly and sometimes not so quietly obsessed with Goodfellas and The Godfather and will quote them at any opportunity. Brick, a movie about love and death in high school, was heavily influenced by the classic Miller's Crossing in terms of tone and language.

The story of the gangster can be seen as the American Dream that is played in fast-forward. It usually starts with a young boy looking for a way out of poverty and with some luck and some help, he makes it to the top. Maybe that's the appeal of the gangster genre, and maybe that's why we're so willing to forgive the things they do to get there.

Don't look for a morality lesson when you watch gangster movies. You'll end up rooting for the wrong guy and when he inevitably gets what's coming to him, you'll be annoyed and disappointed. Gangsters top the charts in charisma, but their life expectancy and chances for lasting happiness are practically nil.

Jay Smith makes it easy to understand your DVD copying choices with honest reviews, informative articles & free trials. Visit today to download your free 1 Click DVD Copy Trial. Sharleen Blog86515
Silvie Blog46061

San Antonio Schools Celebrate Successes and Create New Programs to Further Achievement

San Antonio Schools Creates Program to Prepare Freshman for Future Success

Beginning this school year, Ninth grade students in San Antonio Schools will have more resources in helping them gain success in academic studies, college, and future careers. In addition to their regular classes ninth grade students will be required to take Freshman Prep class. San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class helps students create a plan for the next four years and their future. The Freshman Prep class is intended to have students be prepared for college upon graduating from high school. The Freshman Prep class follows guidelines set by San Antonio Schools and the Texas High School Project District Initiative. Students will be expected to create and follow a standardized plan that features four core subjects each year and construct supplementary areas of interest or conduits from which students can select. The San Antonio Schools Freshman Prep class includes instruction on note-taking, time management and teaches how to develop good study habits that students can use throughout their high school and college studies. The main goals that San Antonio Schools have for the program are: to increase the number of students who complete 9th grade, provide a more rigorous and balanced four year high school graduation, ensure that all graduates are college ready, offer students opportunities for individualized guidance from their counselors, encourage increased parental involvement, and aid 12th-graders obtain career-related scholarships. After the ninth grade the Freshman Prep class becomes the Career Pathways program that gives students guidance to graduation, college and careers.

San Antonio Schools Celebrate a Decade of Science and Mathematics Reform

San Antonio Schools San Antonio Urban Systemic Program is the main organization the has engaged in systemic reform within San Antonio Schools that has helped thousands of students achieve higher science and math scores. San Antonio Schools will recognize teachers that have worked in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program. The San Antonio School districts included in the program are Alamo Heights, East Central, Edgewood, Harlandale, Judson, North East, Northside, San Antonio, and South San Antonio. Other participants in the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program are the University of Texas at San Antonio and the City of San Antonio.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has worked with the National Science Foundation to create more engaging and better quality student instruction over the last ten years. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has increased the use of math and science across the curriculum by improving students access to math and science resources, having better integration of technology, and professional development that gives the teachers the skills they need in order to bring science and mathematics into all classroom environments.

San Antonio Urban Systemic Programs goal for the San Antonio Schools to improve student achievement in mathematics, science, and the integration of instructional technology has succeeded. When San Antonio Schools students are compared to students in Texas, they score higher. The National Science Foundation has assisted the San Antonio Urban Systemic Program, not only, with financial funding but with and mathematics materials, teacher training, and technical assistance from mentor teachers and campus coaches. The San Antonio Urban Systemic Program has created a demanding curriculum using real-world applications of math and science that involves hands-on explorations.
Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Stephie Blog47131
Sherilyn Blog31238

The Theory Of Globalization And Its Analysis

There has been considerable academic debate concerning the emergence and meaning of globalisation with differing views ranging from those who believe that there has been no change to what already existed with previous trade and movement across nation stat to hyper-globalisationists who believe that the consequences of globalisation can be felt everywhere and that the sovereignty of nation states has been greatly diminished. However both of these views define globalisation in economic terms alone.

The more recent trend has been to broaden this definition to encompass a number of other characteristics. The fact that structure and agency is highly relevant to social, cultural and political theory is indisputable. Traditionally their application has been used to explain the causal explanation of change through a structure (for example the force of industrialization) or agency (for example the action of individuals). The classical debate has been that of structure versus agency.

However globalisation theories take a global perspective on the unit of analysis rather than the nation state, and therefore move away from classical thinkers such as Marx, Weber and Durkheim who identified with the nation state as the source of analysis for explanation and fully contributed in the structure versus agency argument. Anthony Giddens conception of a duality within a structuration process may be more useful in explaining the social, cultural and political changes both in terms of their structural determinants and in terms of the individual action that brought them about.

This theory can be applied to the level of agency to the nation state, as well as the individual, in a structural arena of globalization. This may prove to be particularly useful in analyzing the causal explanation of historical changes when exploring globalisation theories. As no analysis can be undertaken without explaining the roles and relationship between the structure and agency Giddens theory may present an acceptable means of analyzing the relationships between the macro and micro levels.

All theories regarding globalization do not surely explain the real future of globalizaiton process.

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Shana Blog50980

Take an Educational Field Trip to Orlando Florida

A student travel tour to Orlando Florida is a great destination for a high school class trip or a band trip. Orlando, Florida provides performance venues, education, and cultural diversity opportunities for students from various backgrounds. Educational tours that include performance and/or workshops are included in the student tour. Students can become a part of Disney Magic Music Days, with high school band performances and a wide range of other performance types to an international audience. Or, student groups more focused on active learning may choose to take part in Disney Performing Arts Workshops while visiting Orlando.

These two excellent Walt Disney World programs are a great way to focus an educational field trip experience to Orlando Florida. Any well-rounded student tour will also include visits to Universal Studios, Epcot Center, or other popular destinations at Walt Disney World. Culturally diverse dining and entertainment opportunities are also available at Walt Disney World.

Disney Magic Music Days

For the young musician, the thrill of performing in front of a live audience is critical to development and growth. While researching a school field trip for the band, choir, orchestra, dance ensemble, drill team or other types of performance groups, consider a visit to Walt Disney World to perform in front of a live international audience. Disney proudly proclaims on the website: Become a star on the worlds greatest stage.

Make the high school band trip a tour for all to remember. First, work with a qualified educational travel consultant to pull together a fantastic field trip and performance tour that includes Disney Magic Music Days. The educational tour company will work closely with your high school band or orchestra, or other type of performance group to schedule an appropriate Florida field trip that includes an audition for the Disney Show. Disney divides the auditions into three categories: instrumental, choral, and dance. If your student tour group is chosen, they will perform in front of a worldwide audience as part of Disney Magic Music Days.

The National Association for Music Education endorses Disney Magic Music Days performances by student tour groups. This program is an activity that contributes to greater musical learning and development. Overnight field trips to Orlando Florida to perform at Disney Magic Music Days are complemented by fun in some of Disneys greatest theme parks including: Epcot Center, Universal and MGM Studios, Space Mountain, the Twilight Zone Mountain of Terror, and more. Rely on a qualified educational tour professional to schedule the Disney Magic Music Days performance and tour for your student travel group.

Disney Performing Arts Workshops

Student tour groups that visit Orlando Florida can become deeply engaged in the Disney experience through participation in a Performing Arts Workshop. These workshops inspire the student performance tour participants through direct interaction, coaching, and practice. Student tour groups are trained and coached by professional Disney performance artists.

Artistic techniques are taught under a wide range of programs, with participants from auxiliary units, pom squads, color guards, drill teams, orchestras, concert bands, jazz and marching bands, vocalists and dancers.

Walt Disney World Performing Arts Workshops are educational in nature and teach the student tour participants to improve their techniques, presentation and staging. Student travel groups are excited about learning from the professionals in the Disney Performing Arts Workshops. The enthusiasm builds if the student travel group is scheduled for a public performance as part of Disney Magic Music Days.

A student tour of Orlando Florida is greatly enhanced when an educational travel professional is engaged to take care of the details. Visit for a complete overview of educational student tours.

Howard Clemens founded Educational Travel Consultants in 1984. Over the last 24 years, Mr. Clemens has organized student travel tours for thousands of high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. His company also specializes in performance tours to Washington D.C., New York City, and Orlando, Florida. Email him at or visit Stevena Blog87908
Stefanie Blog58057

Guaranteed To Discount Battery Gateway Laptop

As you begin to read through this informative article, give each point a chance to sink in before you move on to the next.

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this item you'll find that the focus of Battery Gateway Laptop is surely no exception.

After buying the latest, top-of-the-line refurbished laptop, it is optional to buy a feature laptop laptop battery that will guarantee that the investment performs at greatest capacity. A built-in 7600mAH Lithium-polymer battery can stretch the laptop battery life up to 5~8 hours. There are laptop laptop batteries on the promote for all of the top brand-name laptop manufacturers, as well as the harder to find models.

Several websites suggest a broad variety of laptop batteries for all main manufacturers, with Dell, Apple and HP. Many of these websites trade the laptop batteries at great discounts.

If you have completely read through the first half of this article, the second part will be a snap to understand.

Sometimes the most important aspects of a theme are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the utter picture.

There are a few gear to be considered when buying a markdown laptop battery. First, protection path can avoid the battery from over-charging or short-circuit. Also, try to opt for a self-switching battery output voltage, 14 -24 V that is automatically thrash based on different laptop model.

Some companies, like Laptop Batteries 4 All, give a massive database of laptop batteries with the circle name, sequence of the laptop, or the laptop battery part number. They proffer great deals and discounts on laptop batteries. On this site, they give main brands like Dell Laptop Batteries, Gateway Laptop Batteries, Sony Laptop Batteries, Toshiba Laptop Batteries, IBM Laptop Batteries, Apple Laptop Batteries, Compaq Laptop Batteries, and HP Laptop Batteries.

Another company, Lion Battery distributes goods that join the peak feature values and specifications. Each product is veteran for appropriate performance by the manufacturer and rechecked prior to shipping to the customer. They place a high priority on speedy deliveries. normal orders will be shipped in 48 hours or less, and also respond to an disaster need by providing an burning solution.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the newest on Battery Gateway Laptop. balance what you've academic here to upcoming articles so that you can live alert to changes in the question of Battery Gateway Laptop.

Having this information handy will help you a great deal the next time you find yourself in need of it.

Boysoda Zee is the owner of Battery Laptop How to find the best battery gateway laptop, to protect family and yourself, even if you know nothing about battery gateway laptop. Blog34561
Stacy Blog94243

Recall Fever Rages In The Michigan Schools

According to an August 14th article in the Detroit Daily News, an unintended consequence of the Michigan schools funding crisis is a growing number of recalls within the Metro-Detroit area. The grassroots efforts attempt to oust school board officials, who make unfavorable decisions within the Detroit school districts.

With the funding crisis within the Michigan schools, many local district school board members have been forced to make many difficult decisions to cut costs. Buildings have been closed, and employees have been laid off.

Recall of elected local Michigan schools officials is to be used for officials who do things that are illegal, immoral or negligent. Voters, however, are using the recall to target their local Michigan schools board members for making unpopular decisions.

Such grassroots actions create the need for special elections. Even if tacked on to another local election, it is costly. Some recall elections can cost as little as $15,000 or as much as $50,000. This is money that could be used directly for student curriculum.

There have been two unsuccessful local Michigan schools recalls in the Livonia and St. Clair Shores Lakeview school districts. Voters, who did not believe it worth the cost of a special election, sidelined the St. Clair recall. Current petition drives for a recall are raging in Garden City, Redford Union, and Van Buren school districts, as well as Port Huron.

Five Garden City school board members are being targeted for voting to eliminate 29.5 custodial positions and four food service workers. The local school district, which faced a $2.7 million deficit, will save $2.1 million over the next three years due to the boards decision.

Five Van Buren board members also are being targeted for recall. Residents believe they have mismanaged money and have twice floated failed proposals to pay for a new high school. Many people believe that something can be done with the current high school, rather than building a new one.

Brad Banasik, an attorney for the Michigan Association of School Boards, is astonished by the recall fever. He states it is an unprecedented number of recall attempts. Unfortunately, the Michigan schools funding crisis continues, which means more difficult decisions by local Michigan schools officials, who must cut spending in order to meet more important budgetary needs. Yet, the community is basically saying, Do something we do not like, and you will be recalled!

It is frustrating for local Michigan schools officials. Lisa Gubachy, a targeted board member in the Redford Union school district, summed it up best when she said, Somebody was going to be unhappy no matter what decision the board made. She wonders why she keeps doing it, but then quickly reminds herself, it is for the kids.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information Michigan on schools visit Blog22634
Sheba Blog23511

Dolby vs DTS: Which is Better?

Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Surround Sound - Identifying the main differences between these multi-channel sound formats

This Dolby vs DTS surround sound is a rather hotly debated issue. Many audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts argue that DTS surround sound formats can deliver higher quality audio in comparison to their corresponding Dolby formats, with improved dynamic range, better representation of subtle detail in audio content, and improved signal-to-noise ratio.

Partly, this reasoning arises because DTS surround sound is usually encoded at a higher data rate than Dolby Digital and its lineup of associated formats.

This is more than understandable. We are dealing with lossy compression techniques. A higher bit-rate for the same format should normally implies superior sound during playback, as less compression in the encoding process should result in a better representation of the original sound source.

In this Dolby vs DTS debate, DTS people argue that they are after 'sonic perfection, not space consumption' - hence the higher bit rate and lower compression.

Dolby would counteract that their codec is more efficient and therefore, it can run at a lower bit rate.

In other words, one cannot simply draw conclusion on sound quality based on raw bit rates and compression figures alone; it also depends on how well designed are the encoding and decoding algorithms. And this makes sense too, but then...

There are relatively big differences in raw bit rates and compression levels when comparing Dolby vs DTS sound formats, implying a too wide a difference in codec efficiency - about 3 times as much - in favor of Dolby. Is it possible that Dolby sound formats achieve this level of codec efficiency?

The truth is that when dealing with different sound formats, the whole equation starts to get extremely complicated; it is not that easy to define what makes better sound.

This Dolby vs DTS is a much debated issue, but in reality is it true that one is better than the other?

To understand why this Dolby vs DTS surround sound controversy, it is necessary to have an understanding of the main differences between these formats. In particular, there are significant differences in bit-rate and compression levels as applicable to Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Surround. There are also important differences in the way these formats are implemented in movie house applications and in home entertainment.

It is not the scope of this write-up to go into these details; for the relevant information on the differences between Dolby and DTS, please read the full article appearing on Practical Home Theater Guide at

At the same time, it is important to realize that these same differences between these two formats have actually given rise to this Dolby vs DTS controversy.

So where does this Dolby vs DTS debate leads?

Sound quality is an extremely subjective issue and therefore it is not easy to define what constitutes better sound. Opinions vary when comparing Dolby vs DTS and range from 'DTS is better' to 'Dolby Digital and DTS Surround Sound are pretty much the same'.

..and what do we say about this Dolby vs DTS debate?

Both Dolby Digital and DTS Surround are capable of achieving similar results in delivering surround sound, even though the lower compression and higher bit-rate of DTS Digital Surround should theoretically yield apparent benefits in sound quality.

At the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that these two formats make use of different coding schemes and syntax to perceptually compress audio.

This means that efficiency in terms of data utilization between these two formats is different. Therefore, direct comparison of the respective Dolby and DTS sound formats based solely on their raw bit rates, cannot be taken as an objective measure of sound quality.

Thus, while it is objectively possible to compare the resultant sound quality for the same audio format encoded at different bit rates, say in a movie house application and in home entertainment, yet it is not so straightforward when dealing with different formats.

Rather, for identically sourced audio content, it would be much easier for the listener during Dolby vs DTS 'blind' listening tests to notice a change in sound quality when changing the playback equipment between different brands, than when changing from Dolby to DTS.

In other words, you need a thoroughly refined audio playback setup to bring out that subtle difference in sound quality between these two formats.

(c) 2004/2007 All rights reserved.Sukey Blog29371
Shara Blog95364

Online Education Era

In past few year internet has improved dramatically. Now in very filed you find internet connection which show this era is of getting connected computer with each other. Dont you think this the online education era?

Online education is boom for working student. Yes, online education has become a part of every schools curriculum, college and university, and it is an effective way for students to learn.

For working student online colleges are more convenient. This is one of the main reasons that earning an education online is such a popular choice of everyone now a dyas. Online degree you study for your degree at home, on your own time. ther is no restriction or compaltion to attent the college lectures. With online education one can get a degree of any university around the world.

Every online colleges or even the courses within those online colleges are the same. Courses the one which your are looking for may never require you to step out of your home while earning an education online. While getting a degree online make sure you tailor your course load to your lifestyle which will be more comfortable for you.

Number of online education sites are available thing is that you have to know which degree is best for your future and how easily you can get it online. As now you know the basics about getting a online education. Now it's your decision take the first real steps toward earning your education online.

Take your time and do more searches to research online colleges and the degrees they offer. Many online education sites for online students offer many other facilities like providing them notes of every lecture online, books to reffer, and if any important event and many more. Online education is the best way to get your degree without attending regular lecture and from any corner of the world.Now you could be earning a degree online in no time.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Online Education, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog82785
Sheilakathryn Blog82188

Police Brutality - How to Fight Back

Ever since the Rodney King incident, the world at large has become increasingly aware of police brutality. One would presume that mass public awareness would stem such aggressive behavior from law enforcement officers, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Police officers, if anything, have only become more careful in how they verbally and physically abuse the general public.

Most U.S. residents dont realize there is a simple method to combat such abuse. In fact, this particular expression of public-power can immobilize an officers career and, in extreme cases, bring an abrupt end to the officers employment; yes, you can get a police officer fired if you so desire.

If an officer is unnecessarily rough with you or is verbally abusive, you only need to do one thing: file a complaint.

Complaints are easy to file. Simply show up at the officers department, walk up to the front desk, and ask to file a complaint against an officer. The front desk must file the complaint; it is not the receptionists responsibility to validate your claim. You should then proceed to calmly and rationally fill out the paperwork and submit it.

If the receptionist refuses to assist you (which they will do almost every time), then you must ask to speak with the Watch Commander on duty. If the Watch Commander has any sense of responsibility, he or she will file the complaint without resistance. However, if he or she does not wish to file the complaint, then you must keep going up the chain of command until you reach the Chief of Police.

Once filed at the department, a complaint becomes a permanent record on the officers file. If an officer receives too many, he or she will get suspended or moved to a position that does not require public interaction. If enough complaints have been filed, the department may choose to fire the officer rather than risk having to explain why a troubled officer was allowed to continue serving the public.

Filing a complaint against an officer is extremely powerful. It has a lifetime effect on the officers career. It can prevent an officer from being promoted and can definitely cause problems whenever an officer attempts to lateral to a new department.

It is not only your right to file a complaint against an abusive police officer; you should look at it as your responsibility. Such behavior in a law enforcement officer is unacceptable. If you dont file a complaint, the abusive behavior will only continue and could possibly escalate.

Filing a complaint against a police officer is one instance where the pen is truly mightier than the sword or in this case, the gun.

Copyright 2007, Christian Blake. This article may be freely republished as long as the author's byline and hyperlinks are retained.Sophey Blog66588
Shay Blog73811

Virginia Police Chiefs Target Virginia Schools Youth for Leadership Training

After the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado in 1999, the Virginia police departments across the commonwealth quickly introduced tactical training for police and school resource officers (SROs). They were taught several methods for handling Virginia schools students with weapons.

Members of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police wanted to do more than just react to situations in the Virginia schools. They wanted to take preventative measures. So, in 2002, the Commonwealth Youth Conference for Leadership Effectiveness (CYCLE) was created.

CYCLE is a one-week, leadership training program for Virginia schools students who are entering high school. Held once every summer at Virginia Techs campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, it has become one of the most successful and meaningful programs for Virginia schools youth, focusing on the basics of leadership.

Virginia schools students are given the opportunity to:

Gain an understanding of their own leadership potential,
Identify positive leadership characteristics,
Gain a better understanding of themselves,
Learn how to better relate to others,
Learn to use effective communication to foster positive interactions,
Gain problem analysis skills to assist in decision making,
Understand the value of teamwork,
Understand their own role within their communities, and
Learn and embrace values of diversity.

The hopeful result of the program is to provide Virginia schools students with skills to help them become valuable and contributing members of society, as well as to make Virginia communities safer places to live. If Virginia schools children are given leadership skills and positive reinforcement, then situations such as Columbine may be forestalled.

To attend CYCLE, Virginia schools students must go through a lengthy application process. The selection process begins in the fall of each year with interested Virginia schools students applying to their schools SRO. Accepted applicants and their parents receive notification from their SROs in early May of the following year. The selection process ensures that all areas throughout the commonwealth are properly represented each year at CYCLE.

The program looks for the rising 10th grade students those with recognized leadership potential, who have not yet found their place in the world. Virginia schools students must be:

Recommended by their schools SRO,
A rising student, entering the 10th grade at application,
Between the ages of 13 and 15 years,
Have no major infractions on their discipline records,
Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0,
Complete an essay on an assigned topic, and
Provide a letter of support for their desire to attend CYCLE, which may be written by anyone chosen by the student.

CYCLE is sponsored and chaired by the Virginia Police Chiefs Foundation, the charitable and educational arm of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. They work with corporations, civic groups, police agencies, and citizens to raise the needed funds to support CYCLE. The current cost of $600 per Virginia schools student is occasionally underwritten totally by a police departments training budget for the youth in its jurisdiction. This covers tuition, lodging, meals and learning materials. The local police departments in which students reside always supply the transportation. CYCLE is always provided entirely at no cost to the students.

Thanks to the Police Chiefs of Virginia and the work of police departments across the commonwealth, Virginia schools students are given the opportunity to participate in an exceptionally unique program that may affect the rest of their lives, as well as many others.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shelby Blog83558
Shandy Blog19166

This Summer is Full of Honors and Functions in the San Antonio School District

San Antonio School Districts Harris Middle School selected national Middle School of the Year

Harris Middle School is being recognized for its students efforts to improve their communitys quality of life. This summer Harris Middle School has received the National Youth Crime Watch of America Casey Award presented during the international conference in Ogden, Utah. This award is given to those individuals or organizations that offer examples of leadership, allocation of resources, and support in student or youth crime prevention programs and plans. Harris Middle School, part of the San Antonio Schools, was the only middle school in the US to receive this honor. Harris Middle School was chosen for its students tremendous efforts in improvement of its campus and community. This was accomplished by programs that focused on conflict resolution, theft prevention, street clean-ups, and smoking and drug awareness programs. This has resulted in the Harris Middle School being one of the safest, friendliest, and positive school environments in the state. Students are active participants in the Peer Assistance Leadership group and the Peer Mediators, these groups teach understanding and conflict resolution strategies. Harris Middle School was also a past recipient of the San Antonio Bar Foundations Peacemaker Award, which chooses safe schools throughout the San Antonio School District.

Brackenridge High School Recognized in National Award

Brackenridge High School received honorable mention as one of nine finalists nationwide for the College Boards Inspiration Award, which recognizes the countrys most improved high schools. A College Board representative facilitated a panel discussion with school administrators, staff, students, and parents. The representative was especially interested in hearing from students. Approximately 20 students were part of the discussion. The representative visited classrooms following the panel forum. The information that was collected at Brackenridge was taken to judges in New York, where they reviewed all nine finalists. The Award recognizes high schools that maintain AP or International Baccalaureate programs despite the difficulties at the school.

Special Functions in the San Antonio Schools this Summer

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) will hold a Summer Academy CSI from 8 a.m. to noon at eight high schools in the San Antonio School District. This program will focus on the application and value of science in forensic investigation. Students will be able to participate in solving mock crimes. The students will uses skills they learn in the program. Using their powers of observation, analytical skills and advanced scientific technology to uncover the most minuscule evidence, students will attempt to solve the crimes. Based on the popular CSI television programs, this adventure for 6th-graders combines science, math and language arts, resulting in a learning experience as fun as it is enlightening. Summer Academy CSI is part of, designed to help the class of 2012 be prepared for success in college and beyond.

The Christopher Columbus and the Americas program will be offered at two San Antonio School District middle schools from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students will discover all aspects of what the New World was like at the time the famed explorer first landed on its shores, including its culture, history, geography, and myths. By integrating social studies and language arts, the course also examines the impact of the resulting Colombian Exchange through which Native Americans and Europeans introduced to each other a variety of different animals, concepts, crops, foods, and materials.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sharra Blog18203
Simonne Blog80637

College Plans Begin For Many Students In Their Sophomore Year In The Dallas Schools

For many students in the Dallas schools, the start of their sophomore year means looking at their future plans. The Highland Park High School within the Dallas schools system, for example, began mandatory counseling sessions for all sophomores this year. Though only a few students within the Dallas schools are required to attend such guidance sessions, University High School in Irvine has had these mandatory sessions for nearly 30 years. Many school districts in California require college guidance counseling for high school sophomores, while some districts in Wisconsin require sessions during the freshmen year.

Today, college admissions are highly competitive. They look at everything from the applicants freshmen through senior years, believing that everything an applicant has become and has the potential to be is built upon their enculturation during these years. It is all foundational. With such fierce competition for college entrance, todays high school student cannot rely upon chance but must be prepared by the time they graduate from the Dallas schools. Students must have done things during high school one step better than the other college applicants, if they wish to be admitted.

Most guidance counselors agree that the sophomore year is the best time to begin planning for college. During the freshmen year, Dallas schools students are just getting acclimated to the high school environment. By the junior year, there is not enough time left to make any substantial changes. The sophomore year is the perfect time to discuss the students dreams and ambitions. This is the year for them to begin thinking about what they are going to do after high school.

The Dallas schools Highland Park High, the guidance counselors made the decision to hold the mandatory counseling sessions for sophomores, since this also is the year students decide whether to take Advanced Placement (AP) coursework that gives college credit upon completion.

The Dallas schools students construct and review their personal resumes and portfolios with their guidance counselors, as well as their four-year high school plans and coursework. They are counseled on what they need to do to show future admissions officials that they are serious about a college education and their futures. They discuss how to get an edge over their future competition by taking challenging courses both in high school and college and participating in community service, as well as activities that develop and showcase their leadership skills. The Dallas schools counselors also show students how to integrate their high school experience into their college plans, motivating them to boost their grade point average (GPA).

Though you may believe this would add undo pressure to students, many educators believe the mandatory sessions for the Dallas schools students actually decreases or even eliminates the pressure. Though they do not advocate college campus visitations during this timeframe, good preparation and a proper plan means these Dallas schools students are ready for college when the time comes. They have prepared the best way possible by doing things now that will only help them later, proving they are serious about their futures.

Patrica Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston Schools please visit Blog57487
Sharie Blog59718

How To Become a Fighter Pilot

Becoming a fighter pilot isn't something that happens overnight. It requires lots of time, dedication and perseverance if you want to be successful. A special type of person is required to join such an elite group. Funnily enough, most people think that becoming a fighter pilot is mostly about flying, when in fact that isn't the case. You also need to successfully train as an officer. So you're primarily an officer, even if you continue on to be a fighter pilot. Your primary job is to defend the USA against its enemies, and any career aspirations are secondary to that.

There are three possible ways to train as an officer - service academy, Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). As a high school student, you should apply to a service academy if you want to become an officer. You can choose between the Air Force Academy, Annapolis (Navy & Marines), West Point (Army) or the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. All of them put you through rigorous military training, and you also obtain a Bachelor of Science degree. If you have a strong aptitude to advanced math and science then you'll have a much better chance of succeeding.

If you're planning to enter one of the academies, then be aware that the competition to get in is fierce. You'll need a high school grade point average of 3.8 as a cadet, as well as a SAT score of 1300. This has to include a minimum of 1050 for verbal and math. It's a good idea to have a strong extra-curricular activity record as well, even more so if those activities demonstrate leadership or athletic skills.

So if you want to enter a service academy, earn a commission and receive a college education, the path is simple. It's not easy though - you'll need to perform very well in high school, and not just inside the classroom. It takes a long time to work your way through the application process. You certainly don't just hand over a simple form and expect to be accepted into a service academy. You need three letters of recommendation, extensive paperwork, and even to be nominated by your Congressman. To improve your chances of success, start preparing your application early, and certainly don't start any later than your junior year.

The bad news is that just because you made it into the service academy, pilot training slots are still extremely limited. Being accepted by the academy is a piece of cake by comparison. However pilots are in demand right now, as all the military streams are struggling to retain the pilots they have. So if you're keen to be a fighter pilot, it's a little easier than usual to obtain a slot. How long that lasts, nobody knows.

You might also find that The Reserve Officers Training Corps is the best option for you. With this, you study at a college or university as normal, but add in the officer training requirements. On top of your regular studies you will have to attend military training and courses, spend at least one summer on a training camp and attend weekly meetings. Most of the time you live as a civilian, only donning your military garb when you're actually attending military classes. When your officer training is complete, you can then apply for specific programs such as pilot training. Competition is tough, and you'll need to pass some rigorous academic, medical and testing requirements to be successful.

For those who decide a little later in life to become a fighter pilot, The Officer Candidate School (OCS), sometimes called The Officer Training School (OTS), is the best route. Within 4 months OCS will take a college graduate with no background in the military and turn him into an officer. Again, you have the opportunity to apply for pilot training school when you qualify as an officer, but the competition is just as fierce. It's also necessary for you to begin training as a fighter pilot before you turn 27, so this third option is only available for a limited time.

Steve Dolan always wanted to be top gun but didn't quite make it. Find out how you can make the grade by visiting Blog46090
Sigrid Blog6947

From Poetry to Tapestries: The Life of William Morris

The talents of William Morris knew no bounds. An extraordinarily gifted craftsman he succeeded at everything he tried his hand at. And with an innate curiosity and an appreciation of all things beautiful he tried his hands at almost everything.

Early life

Born on 24th March 1834 in Walthamstow, Essex Morris had a comfortable childhood before attending Marlborough and Exeter College, Oxford. Whilst studying for Holy Orders at Oxford in 1853 he met Edward Burne-Jones who would later become his business partner and lifelong friend. He abandoned his studies after reading the social criticism of Carlyle, Kingsley and Ruskin and decided instead to become an architect. The young novice became an apprentice to the G.E. Street, an architect involved in the Gothic revival. But impulsively creative he soon tired of this and began, like his friend Burne-Jones, to paint.

Finding art his forte he embraced it fully, writing poetry and printing and learning how to weave and dye and work a loom. It was the latter pursuit that would come to demonstrate Morriss talent at its most impressive. His spectacular tapestries became his most famous creations.

Morris developed an array of skills. He learned to embroider by unpicking antique pieces to learn the stitches; he set up a loom in his house and taught himself to weave with only an 18th century French manual for guidance. Within a matter of months he had completed his first tapestry design. Acanthus and Vine was designed and woven by Morris in 1879.

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co.

In 1861 Morris founded Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company along with friends Peter Paul Marshall and Charles Faulkner and subsequently begun the Arts and Craft Movement. Together with Edward Burne-Jones and fellow artists Ford Maddox Brown and Dante Gabriel Rosetti, the group produced some of the most creative tapestries and wall hangings Britain had seen. Indeed it was Morriss ambition to breathe new life into the art and he achieved it. Morriss wall hangings and tapestries still remain an important influence on design today. It was Morris himself who once said Whatever you have in your room, think first of the walls, for they are that which makes your house and home (1882).

His most famous works generally featured figures drew by Burne-Jones. Morris would design the background and the tapestry would be woven by Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & co, which became simply Morris & Co in 1874 when Morris took sole control.

William Morris tapestries

The Quest for the Holy Grail, currently exhibited at the Birmingham Museum is one of the most well known works of Morris & Co. Like many of the others, the tapestry, which depicts the fascinating story of the search for the Holy Grail, was designed by Edward Burne-Jones. It is one of six wall hangings illustrating the story and was woven in 1895-96.

One of the most intricate and beautiful creations from the company, known as the Firm, is the Tree of Life tapestry. Designed by Morris it demonstrates his talent with patterns and his awareness and appreciation of the use of colour. Symbolising growth and continuous life, the Tree of Life wall hanging is still one Morriss most recognised works.

Morris & Co.s most popular religious tapestry The Adoration of Magi was first produced in 1890. As well as being Morriss most ecclesiastical it was also the most complex. At least ten similar versions of the tapestry were woven between 1890-1907. Originally designed by Burne-Jones the tapestry depicts the Nativity scene.

Possibly the most captivating and charming of Morris & Co.s tapestries is the Ehret die Frauen.

Designed by Marianne Stokes the hanging was inspired by a quotation from Friedrich von Schiller's 1796 poem "Wurde der Frauen" (Women's Worth), which appears in the upper border: "Honour the Women, they broid and weave heavenly roses into earthly life."

Real beauty does not age

Morris was one of the most prolific artists of the nineteenth century. The works of William Morris are proof that real beauty does not age. As popular today as they were over a century ago, Morris tapestries have continued to play a big part in sophisticated home dcor. As Morris himself once said Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful (1882).

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

Christine Toner writes on a number of subjects for the Tapestry House including unicorn art.Shaine Blog61094
Sinead Blog71984

Finding Love with Relationships

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about Finding Love. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Mom and dad are in the kitchen roaming about with dad swigging down his last drop of coffee and mom tidying up after the kids have ate and rushed off to school. The two kiss each other as they rush out the door heading off to work. Mom heads one direction, dad goes another direction, and finally they both meet their destination.

At work, the hours go by and tasks are completed, but as mom sits at her desk, her mind begins to wonder. What do I cook for supper? she thinks. Her mind continues racing as she recalls the Parent Teachers Conference the following week. Mom now has to find time off work to join the meeting, and hopes that her children are doing well in school. When she arrives home, she cooks, cleans and finds time to relax after a busy schedule. Dad has already hit the couch watching the latest news, while the kids are in their room doing homework.

A common relationship is ongoing, and the next week mom makes the Parent Teacher Conference all to find that her children are failing in school. She thinks, Have I encouraged my children enough? Mom begins to blame her self, and when she arrives home anxious to talk with her husband, she finds him absence. Dad had to work late again to meet his deadlines, so she calls the office where dad works and dad is not answering the phone. Later that evening dad comes home. The kids are in bed and mom is sitting aimlessly staring into the space, when dad says, Hi honey, how was your day?

Mom frustrated and confused snaps, How was your day. Dad shoots her a curious look and says, I am sorry honey, I had to work late again. Mom shots back with a hint of anger, Why didnt you answer the phone when I called. She walks up to her husband and smells a reek of alcohol on his breath. You worked late, huh, she stammers with a hint of yea right. Dad stares for a moment and says, Ok, I did stop off for a few drinks at the local tavern, I was only there for an hour, I swear. Mom stares haplessly at him for a moment and turns on her heals, storming out of the room.

What do you think will happen next? As we can see we have love and relationship, and a family arrangement, but something is missing to make this relationship stand. We can review the scenario together to see which elements needed to make this relationship solid. In the first scene, family arrangement is in tact since it takes two to work to make ends meet. Thus, the parents are readying for work, while the children are heading off to school. Mom has done her job in preparing breakfast, and kissing dad as he rushes off to work.

Mom has also attended the meeting, and adhered to her motherly and spouse duties, and has worked at her job. Would it help if dad helped her along in the kitchen and around the house, since mom has two jobs? Yes, it would help. Still, this is only one of the elements to make a relationship stand. Sharing is always a good thing in love and relationships. When two people share, it brings them together.

Mom has emotions that are instigating trouble, since she is blaming her self for her childrens failure, and shows those emotions when dad comes home with the reek of alcohol on her breath. Dad doing as he pleases, would not like it if the tables turned.

Obviously, mom is feeling frustrated and appears to take it out on dad, which makes him think or readers believe that mom is emotional. However, mom expressed her feelings with assertiveness and disagreement; still she stormed out of the room, leaving the conversation hanging in the air. We see a lack of communication in this family, since from the beginning of the story to the end; we did not hear communication between the children, mom or dad. We also need respect to make this relationship stand.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Sinta writes about anything, anywhere and everywhere. Now, she compiles all her writing and make a full time living writing from home. Sinta is also a Full Time Adsense Publisher and She Makes her living from Writing and Adsense. She is passionate about sharing her Knowledge. Check out these sites:Shir Blog34515
Shandy Blog19166

Raise Your Kids Right

To Get What You Expect

Your parenting style is the most likely way you will impact how your child grows up. In being responsive to your children, you are simultaneously setting clear rules and limits for your children. This is crucial for you as a parent. You have likely based on this, identified the four main styles of parenting. There is no right or wrong parenting style and more to the point, there is more than one right way, though we all have prejudices on what we think works best based on our own life experience and values. Research, however, has charted the effects of the various parenting styles on children:

Just do it or else!

Many parents adopt a highly authoritarian, dictatorial style of parenting. They expect children to simply obey orders with no questions. Rules typically are well defined in such households and breaking those rules ultimately invites punishment. This type of system is highly typical in societies where little to no change is expected and deviance from this normal behaviour can be quite costly such as in rural or agrarian society.

Children that have grown up in this type of emotional environment tend to show average performance in school but lack spontaneity, effective social skills, and self-confidence.

A no means a no

Other parents are firm, assertive, and authoritative without being overly authoritarian. They set very clear rules, and are firm about the discipline without using any harsh punishment. Children in such homes are expected to be are typically are, socially responsible.

Children, who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to become more responsible. They highly capable and easily adjust to situations that demand cooperation.

Do anything you want

Parents engaging in this style of parenting believe in the permissive or indulgent approach. They demand very little responsible behaviour and frequently avoid confrontation with their children. This style was more popular with parents in the 50s and 60s.

Children who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to be more creative but some research indicates they may develop behavioural problems as they grow up because they tend not to accept responsibility.

I don't care what you do

Very rarely parents remain uninvolved in their childrens lives, which can in many cases, border on neglect.

Children who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to perform poorly at school and frequently engage in criminal behaviour.

Jim Corbett

James KronefieldSissy Blog35624
Sheena Blog35889

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar?

What about scholarship for college students?

Now thats more familiar.

But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you.

You see, not all scholarships are created equal. Some have certain criteria and others have certain requirements. Each has its own sets of rules for qualification set by the sponsor. But for the basic knowledge about the different college scholarships offered, here are the things you should know:

Academic scholarship for college students

This is probably the most famous type of college scholarship. Here, students are awarded with free education provided that they pass an entrance examination for scholarship or finished high school with honors or, passed whatever requirements the sponsor have set. Most colleges and universities offer this type of scholarship. Academic scholars would have to maintain certain grade to keep their education free.

For private organizations that offer academic scholarship, rules on maintaining certain grade are less strict than colleges and universities. This though does not mean that private organizations are more lenient to their scholars. This only means that colleges and universities can watch the status of their academic scholars closely since they have the access to the school records.

Athletic scholarship for college students

Finishing college through athletic scholarship is another way to study for less or even for free. It is a given fact that many students dream of becoming an athlete on their school mainly because athletes are awarded with free education. The thing is: since it may be easier to play sports than to become excellent in academics, competition among students is fierce.

Meanwhile, there are private institutions that award athletic scholarships to students. And their system works the same as colleges and university grants.

Departmental scholarship for college students

Many college and university departments offer scholarships for two reasons: to attract more students to study in their department, and to maintain students who wish to move to another department.

These 3 are not the only scholarship grants that could bet. But basically, these 3 are given most of the time.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog97924
Shannen Blog80033

Online Or On-Site Institutions? 4 Questions You Must Answer

Its true that online education is the rave of the moment. Everyone is attending it. However, it wont be easy to conclude that on-site institutions are witnessing low patronage. No, that is not true. But is it compulsory for you to attend online institutions? Why should you head back to traditional or also known as offline institutions? The following four questions will help you decide. Never base your decision on what others are saying. Make the decision after weighing the two sides of the coin and see which fits you and your plans.

- Can you learn on your own?

Yes, it may sound stupid or absurd. I know that you studied on your own before getting to this stage. But you cant compare learning on your own at an online institution to doing so in on-site institutions. Learning at your own pace in online education has its own disadvantages. The human flesh is known to love easy things and therefore do not want to do hard things. You tend to become lazy with online education since you know you can finish the course when you want. But this is not so with on-site education. You have to learn at a pace that will make you finish the course within the required time frame. So, who are you? If you can only learn in group, its advisable you shun online education and attend on-site education.

- Are you a good manager of time?

Not everyone registering for online education is a good manager of time. Presently, many of these people dont know how to plan their time. And when they do, they still find it hard achieving their daily, weekly and monthly goals. So, if you cant properly manage your time now when youre not engaged in any education, what gives you the guarantee that you will be able to do so when learning online? Many people think learning online is easy. It is not my dear reader. You must be able to plan your time between your office and family in order to be successful online. If youre no good manager of time, then I urge you to consider attending on-site institutions where youll be helped to achieve your aims and goals.

- Do you love social interaction?

If you love meeting and interacting people, then its expedient that you dont register for online education. Why? You dont stand to meet and interact with people physically. You do it online. If youre tired of having problems connecting with people on the internet, then I urge you to attend an on-site institution where you will meet several types of people from different parts of the world.

Where is the fourth question? Here is it. Are you determined? If you give up easily whenever you meet with hurdles, then online education is not meant for you. Its advisable you go for on-site education. Online education has lots of hurdles. One of such is shuttling between your job and your studies. If youre not determined, you may not be able to meet deadlines given for your courses or assignment. Dont be fooled by the fact that you can finish the course when you want. Do you have to complete a two years course in four years? Also, remember that your employer wont wait for you if its taking you so long to complete.

Answers to these questions will help you determine whether to attend an online or on-site institution.

Ras Reed is a prolific writer that gives free information. Get more info at Blog3250
Sheilakathryn Blog82188

Application Essay

Application essay writing is also referred to as admission essay writing. As the name suggests, this kind of essay is written when you need to apply to some place. Usually, you write an Application essay to obtain admission in a college or university. In order to gain admission, you need to have a goal in mind. The goal you write about in your essay depends on a few things. You may write about what you want to become professionally, your reason for choosing the subjects you wish to study, and why you want admission in a particular college or university.

Prior to writing your Application essay, you need to do some important research. If you wish to apply for admission in a university, you must know about the subjects you can study there. You also need to know what the university is well known for. For example, Harvard University is well known for producing law professionals and medical experts. So, your Application essay should acknowledge that the university you are applying at is the best for you to study your subjects of interest at.

Your Application essay, should also mention the route that you have taken to reach where you are. You need to demonstrate why you can fit into the program that your prospective university offers you. This is crucial because whoever reads your Application essay would want to see how you feel about your role with regard to the program offered.

When you write an Application essay in a format provided by a university, you might be given a one-page general question to answer. You may also be given different short questions. In either case, you will have to express your thoughts about your admission according to the instructions. In an Application essay, if you do not write according to instructions [such as specified word count], admissions officers will wonder how you would manage following instructions in the program you wish to study.

Your Application essay should also reveal some important things about yourself. This will help to inform admissions officers more about your personality and how you would manage the program you are applying for. It is important for you to realize that you must be honest in what you right. This is because you are making a career move with your Application essay. You need to prove to your prospective university as well as yourself that you are making the right choice.

Once you are clear about the main points for your Application essay, you can put together your first draft. You will probably need to go over it a few times to make sure you have written the right things. Getting another person to read your draft is a good idea too. Whether you write and submit your Application essay at the University or write it at home, you should be prepared with your answers. With an honest approach and belief in what program at university is right for you, your essay will be convincing.

Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at Term Papers writing.Sherilyn Blog31238
Sheba Blog23511

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